It is completely normal to be unsure of the next steps you must take after contracting a Vaginal Infection such as Yeast Infection, Herpes, or Bacterial Vaginosis.
The best way you can overcome your anxiety and confusion, is through education and self-care.
Side note: If you are in a relationship where you feel like your sexual availability and performance is more important that your personal health, that is NOT a healthy relationship and you should reconsider opening up yourself to that person.
Before even considering to have sex again with your partner after an infection, it is important that both parties are on common grounds, mainly to protect each others health and well-being.
Oral Herpes aka "cold sores" & Genital Herpes
If you are experiencing a herpes outbreak, AVOID any sexual contact until seven days AFTER you have completely healed. Contact your health provider to discuss a treatment plan as soon as possible (be sure to choose an appropriate treatment for oral and genital symptoms), use condoms whenever you have sex between outbreaks.
You should wait until 7 days AFTER you have completed your given treatment before having sex again. It is also a very smart idea to get tested again 2-3 months later to confirm that your infection is gone. Your partner should undergo testing as well, just to be safe.
If you have multiple sexual partners, you should reach out and inform them of your infection so they too can be tested.
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
BV, is not and STI!!! However, increased sexual activity can heighten your chances of developing this infection. Spreading BV between heterosexual partners is not a common issues, however, women can transfer BV through vaginal contact.
It is recommended that you wait 7 days AFTER completed your BV treatment before engaging in sexual activity.
If you are experiencing reoccurring BV you and you partner(s) should get an STI screening.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
UTI's the most common of them all for females. The burning discomfort associated with this infection is a feeling most woman are all-to-familiar with.
UTI's cannot be transmitted sexually however, penetrative intercourse can worsen your infection.
Most doctors recommend waiting until after your UTI treatment before having sex again.
It is essential that you prioritize your health before proceeding with any type of sexual activity involving your genitalia.
Other ways to prevent UTIs:
Pee before and after sex.
Wash thoroughly after sex.
Yeast Infections
Yeast Infections are not categorized as STIs because you can get one without sexual contact, however, they can sometimes spread through sex. It is best to avoid sexual contact until your yeast infection treatment is completed. This minimizes any risk of spreading as well as to avoid genital irritation.
Don't put yourself or your partner at risk!
If you have an STI or STD, it is important that you avoid any kind of sexual contact with or without protection, until treatment is completed and symptoms are gone.
Regular sexual screening, at least once a year, is recommended for all sexually active individuals.
Moving forward, focus on clear, considerate communication and follow the directions that accompany your treatment carefully. The sooner you pursue consistent treatment, the sooner you can return to safe and fulfilling sex.